Suzanne Kirkland profile picture

Suzanne Kirkland

11th Jul 2024

Email Exorcist

Use: 1Y 9.2 / 10

The only awesome free version. I love it!

I've tried all of the time blocking apps out there and the cost of most of them is outrageous. Flowsavvy offers a robust free version and, I'm telling you, it does all the foundational things needed to have automatic time blocking. Eventually i would like to add email integration to just forward tasks from my email or be able to sync my......

René Verbeek profile picture

René Verbeek

13th Jul 2024

Clutter Crusher

Use: 1Y 8.2 / 10

Simple to use smart task planner

I am using LogSeq to identify all my tasks, but it has no good way to easily schedule my tasks around my calendar. I found FlowSavvy to help me with getting my tasks planned in the right way onto my calendar. I like it that it takes priorities, deadlines and dependencies into account, next to my meetings. Furthermore tasks may be split over......

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Top Features, Pricing, Details & User Reviews - Home

What is FlowSavvy?

FlowSavvy is an intelligent calendar assistant that intelligently schedules your to-do list and puts it into your calendar, instantly adjusting if plans change. Designed specifically for individuals, FlowSavvy makes intelligent scheduling intuitive and mobile-friendly without the clutter of team features. FlowSavvy is "time blocking on easy mode".

How much does FlowSavvy cost per month?

FlowSavvy costs $7 per month per user.

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