

Spike is an email app that handles documents, team chat, and video communication.

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Handling email inbox on Spike Email

What is Spike Email?

Spike makes email more approachable by centralizing team communication, such as documents, tasks, notes, and email collaboration. Spike also helps you now handle a team domain in one location for more professional business emails.

What does Spike do?

It offers a unique way to handle email using messaging applications, which we all know and use daily. Spike is a combination of Facebook Messenger and Slack.

The reason behind this is to make email easier to kickstart and give you a more free-flowing way to collaborate with other people who might use Spike in your team. But it also offers more features to host everything in one base, like a plan, organizing, collaborating on docs and tasks, video chatting, managing calendars, and more, all within one seamless place.

Spike Availability

Spike is available on WebSpike is available on iOSSpike is available on AndroidSpike is available on MacSpike is available on Windows

Spike Features

MessagingDocumentsTeam ChatAppears Complicated

Spike Learning Effort


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